Humana 1

Our Humana 1 infant milk is tailored to supplement your breast milk or suitable for sole feeding.

  • From birth onwards
  • Lactose only
  • Enriched with DHA (as required by legislation for all infant formula)
  • Controlled quality in Germany
  • 1 pack = 59 bottles à 100 ml
Humana 1 - For your baby‘s nutritional needs from birth onwards

Your little baby has finally arrived and you are enjoying many special moments together. You are discovering a whole new world full of love and exciting, new challenges.
Our baby milk contains lactose as its only source of carbohydrate and is enriched with DHA*, an essential omega-3 fatty acid.
*contains DHA as required by legislation for all infant formula

Our promise to you and your baby is to provide your little sunshine with all necessary nutrients in order to accompany you on this journey.

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Humana 1 - For your baby‘s nutritional needs from birth onwards

Your little baby has finally arrived and you are enjoying many special moments together. You are discovering a whole new world full of love and exciting, new challenges.
Our baby milk contains lactose as its only source of carbohydrate and is enriched with DHA*, an essential omega-3 fatty acid.
*contains DHA as required by legislation for all infant formula

For the right support from the start for babies that are not breastfed

Humana 1 formula is an infant milk to be used from birth and is intended for babies who are not breastfed.

Home of Humana baby milk

Our high-quality baby milks are produced in our new factory located in northern Germany.


Our most convenient & safest pack:

  • BPA-free pack
  • One-handed use & integrated leveller for an easy bottle preparation

Our expertise

We are moved by latest insights from nature & science to offer baby nutrition with more than 65 years of experience.

baby playing in grass small

The right amount - to meet your baby's need

Please use only the Humana measuring spoon included in our pack (holds about 4.5 g). The indicated drinking amounts are an approximate value and can vary individually as every baby is unique. 

**as instructed by your doctor or midwife

Water90 ml
Number of spoons3
Baby milk portion100 ml
Baby milk portions per day5-8
Water90 ml
Number of spoons3
Baby milk portion100 ml
Baby milk portions per day7-8
Water120 ml
Number of spoons4
Baby milk portion130 ml
Baby milk portions per day6-7
Water150 ml
Number of spoons5
Baby milk portion170 ml
Baby milk portions per day4-6
Water180 ml
Number of spoons6
Baby milk portion200 ml
Baby milk portions per day4-5

The right preparation is key

When preparing the baby milk, please follow the instructions. Clean bottle, teat and ring thoroughly, prepare freshly before each meal, feed immediately, and do not reuse any leftovers. Improper preparation and storage may be harmful to baby’s health.


Boil water, let it cool to 50° C and pour half of it into a clean bottle.


Use measuring spoon and leveller included in pack to add required amount of powder into bottle.


Close bottle and shake immediately, then add remaining water and shake again.


Fasten teat tightly and check content for drinking temperature (37°C). Don’t heat up in the microwave (risk of scalding).

  • Ingredients


    Demineralised whey powder, vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed, sunflower), lactose, skimmed milk powder, galacto-oligosaccharides (from milk), palm kernel fat, 2´-fucosyllactose, oil from the microalgae Schizochytrium sp., oil from Mortierella alpina, ferrous bisglycinate, potassium chloride, calcium carbonate, choline bitartrate, calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid, sodium citrate, inositol, sodium selenate, L-tryptophan, magnesium carbonate, L-tyrosine, manganese sulphate, vitamin C, potassium citrate, L-phenylalanine, nucleotides (cytidine 5’-monophosphoric acid, sodium salts of uridine 5’-phosphoric acid, adenosine 5’-phosphoric acid, sodium salts of inosine 5’-phosphoric acid, sodium salts of guanosine 5’-phosphoric acid), taurine, potassium iodate, vitamin E, zinc sulphate, vitamin D, vitamin A, pantothenic acid, niacin, cupric sulphate, biotin, thiamin, vitamin B6, vitamin K, folic acid, riboflavin, vitamin B12.

  • Important Notice

    Important Notice

    Of course, there is nothing better for your baby than your breast milk, but for various reasons, sometimes breastfeeding is simply not possible. Talk to your paediatrician or your midwife if you want to use baby milk.

    Do not let your baby use the feeding bottle as a comforter. Like breast milk, baby milk contains carbohydrates that can cause damage to teeth.

Produktet tona për çdo nevojë të foshnjave dhe të vegjëlve

sweet mother and her cut baby
Ushqyerja me gji është pa dyshim mënyra më e mirë për të ushqyer fëmijën tuaj

Ushqyerja me gji shoqërohet me shumë përfitime për ju dhe fëmijën tuaj:

  • Është përshtatur në mënyrë optimale për nevojat ushqyese të foshnjës tuaj.

  • Ajo mbron nga infeksionet.

  • Përforcon lidhjen mes jush dhe fëmijës suaj.

  • Është dieta më e lirë.

Si një nënë gjidhënëse, ju lutemi mbani në mend se është e rëndësishme të hani një dietë të shëndetshme dhe të ekuilibruar për të kaluar energji dhe lëndë ushqyese tek fëmija juaj.

Organizata Botërore e Shëndetësisë (OBSH) rekomandon ushqyerjen me gji si burimin e vetëm të ushqyerjes për 6 muajt e parë dhe vazhdimin e ushqyerjes me gji deri në dy vjet ose më shumë. Por për arsye të ndryshme, nganjëherë ushqyerja me gji thjesht nuk është e mundur. Nëse është kështu, mund të përdoret formula për fëmijë.

Përpara se të ushqeni foshnjat me formula, ju lutemi flisni me pediatrin ose maminë tuaj. Ju lutemi, kini parasysh se ndërprerja e ushqyerjes me gji ose plotësimi i ushqyerjes me gji me formulë për foshnjat mund të zvogëlojë furnizimin me qumësht gjiri. Ky efekt është i vështirë për t'u kthyer. Nëse vendosni të përdorni formula për foshnjat, gjithmonë lexoni dhe ndiqni me kujdes udhëzimet në paketim. Përgatitja dhe ruajtja e gabuar mund të jetë e dëmshme për shëndetin e foshnjës tuaj.

E kam lexuar këtë mesazh dhe do të doja të vazhdoja
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